Hi frens....i know that the new transformers movie has just being released on the 24th June 2009. I heard a lot of complaints and frustration from my relatives and friends that they couldnt get a ticket to watch this movie. So what i do is my fiance' bought 2 tickets for us a day before the movie release in order for us to watch that movie last sunday. and he was shocked that the ticket nearly sold out until this week. So i thought this might be a good movie. I watched it last Sunday and read my movie review.
1. In this movie Sam wanted a normal life and go to college.
2. Sam and his girlfriend maintain a distance relationship which me and my fiance do now.huhuhuh....
3. Debris from the cube stuck inside Sam's shirt pocket and Sam absorb the mysterious codes from the cube.
4. The Fallen, which is like a great,great,great grandfather of all the autobots and decepticons.
5.Ok guys this time the decepticons is hiding as very beautiful and sexy girls.Yuck....geli i when the girls has such a long robotic tounge and tail.eeeewwwww....
6.A lot of funny scenes added to this new transformers movie. Hillarious.....
7. In this movie they made a plot that the Pyramids was built by the aliens to cover a machine to destroy the sun in order to extract the energy to use by the decepticons.
8. Optimus Prime die and resurrected back by using the key of life.
9. Sam died but the ancestors of the Primes, gave him a new life and help to resurrect Optimus Prime.
10. I'll give 6 out of 10 (huuuurrraaayyyy!!!!)
Well, im waiting for The Ice Age 3 movie. Check my next movie review yah!!!